Volume 26, Issue 3 (5-2022)                   IBJ 2022, 26(3): 219-229 | Back to browse issues page

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Golabi S, Adelipour M, Mohammadi A, Omidian K, Rastqar A, Naghashpour M. A Green Approach for the Biosynthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Using Cuminum cyminum L. Seed and Its Application for Pain Management in Rats. IBJ 2022; 26 (3) :219-229
URL: http://ibj.pasteur.ac.ir/article-1-3539-en.html
Background: This study investigated the antinociceptive effect of cumin and its biosynthesized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs).
Methods: Cumin extract (E) and cumin-AuNPs (GN) were prepared and administered intraperitoneally at the concentrations of 200, 500, and 1000 mg/ml to 27 male rats. Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy were applied for AuNPs synthesis confirmation. The nociceptive behavior was assessed, and IL-6 serum levels were measured.
Results: Cumin-AuNPs showed a peak absorption of 515 nm, and a size of about 40 nm. Three different concentrations of extract had no significant effect on acute and chronic nociceptive behavior. GN + E200 (46.00 ± 10.59) showed a significant acute anti-nociceptive effect compared to the control (98.66 ± 4.91; p = 0.029) and SS300 (98.33 ± 20.30; p = 0.029) groups. Also, GN + E500 (42.00 ± 11.84) significantly reduced acute nociceptive behavior compared to the control (98.66 ± 4.91; p = 0.019), SS300 (98.33 ± 20.30; p = 0.020), and GN + E1000 (91.00 ± 26.00; p = 0.040) groups. IL-6 serum levels reduced significantly in GN + E500 (24.65 ± 10.38; p = 0.002) and SS300 (33.08 ± 1.68; p = 0.039) compared to the controls (46.24 ± 3.02). Chronic nociceptive behavior was significantly lower in the SS300 (255.33 ± 26.30) compared to E200 (477.00 ± 47.29; p = 0.021), E500 (496.25 ± 46.29; p = 0.013), and GN + E500 (437.00 ± 118.03; p = 0.032) groups.
Conclusion: Our findings suggest the potential effects of cumin-AuNPs on formalin-induced nociceptive behavior, which is independent of IL-6serum levels.

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