Volume 27, Issue 5 (9-2023)                   IBJ 2023, 27(5): 219-246 | Back to browse issues page

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Ebrahimi S, Khosravi M A, Raz A, Karimipoor M, Parvizi* P. CRISPR-Cas Technology as a Revolutionary Genome Editing tool: Mechanisms and Biomedical Applications. IBJ 2023; 27 (5) :219-246
URL: http://ibj.pasteur.ac.ir/article-1-3898-en.html
Programmable nucleases are powerful genomic tools for precise genome editing. These tools precisely recognize, remove, or change DNA at a defined site, thereby stimulating cellular DNA repair pathways that can cause mutations or accurate replacement or deletion/insertion of a sequence. The CRISPR-Cas9 system is the most potent and useful genome editing technique adapted from the immune system of certain bacteria and archaea against viruses and phages. In the past decade, this technology has made notable progress, and at present, it has largely been used in genome manipulation to make precise gene editing in plants, animals, and human cells. In this review, we aimed to explain the basic principles, mechanisms of action, and applications of this system in different areas of medicine, with an emphasize on the detection and treatment of parasitic diseases.
Type of Study: Review Article | Subject: Medical Biotechnology

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