Mousavi-Shafaei P, Ziaee A, Zangemeister-Wittke U. Increased Cytotoxicity of Cisplatin in SK-MEL 28 Melanoma Cells upon Down-Regulation of Melanoma Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein. IBJ 2009; 13 (1) :27-34
Background: Malignant melanoma is a highly metastatic cutaneous cancer and typically refractory to chemotherapy. Deregulated apoptosis has been identified as a major cause of cancer drug resistance, and upregulated expression of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein melanom, an inhibitor of apoptosis (ML-IAP) is frequent in melanoma. Methods: Based on the conclusion that ML-IAP expression contributes to a malignant phenotype, we down-regulated the ML-IAP mRNA using sequence optimized antisense oligonucleotides. Results: As measured by real-time PCR, oligonucleotides M706 and M711 inhibited ML-IAP mRNA expression by 47% and 52%, respectively in the highly metastatic and drug resistant SK-MEL28 cell line. Oligonucleotide M706, which was previously evaluated in G361 cells as the most efficient inhibitor of ML-IAP expression, was chosen to compare cell viability and drug sensitivity of these two melanoma cell lines with different p53 functionality. Protein expression was reduced by oligonucleotide M706 to 49% of the normal level and resulted in a dose-dependent specific reduction of cell viability with a maximum of 39% at 600 nM. Typical morphological changes showed that loss of viability was mainly due to cell death. In combination experiments, the use of oligonucleotide M706 resulted in a two-fold increase of cisplatin cytotoxicity at different concentrations of oligonucleotide and cisplatin (P<0.05). This is in line with our previous findings in G361 melanoma cell line, in which oligonucleotide M706 caused a 3-fold increase in cisplatin cytotoxicity. Conclusion: Our data suggest the use of ML-IAP antisense oligonucleotides to overcome drug resistance in metastatic melanoma, in spite of its p53 status.