Mosleh S, Aboutalebi M S, Izadan M, Aarabi A, Kouhestani Z, Jafari M. Design a Novel Checklist to Enhance Preoperative Care for Patients Undergoing Bariatric Laparoscopic Surgery. IBJ 2024; 28 (7) :322-322 URL:
Introduction: Morbid obesity has become a significant concern in the medical world. Bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment for achieving lasting weight loss and reducing weight-related complications. Minimally invasive techniques have led to an increase in the number of annual bariatric surgeries performed. Perioperative care for obese patients requires the use of different interventions than those used for non-obese patients, including specialized equipment for obesity, monitoring of blood glucose during surgery, and monitoring of respiratory function after surgery. By designing the novel checklist to improve preoperative care of the patient in bariatric laparoscopic surgery, surgical nurses and technologists can significantly reduce the side effects of bariatric surgery. However, according to our studies, no checklist exists for this topic in Iran. Hence, in this study, we designed a checklist to assess preoperative care for patients undergoing bariatric laparoscopic surgery. Methods and Materials: The researcher created a checklist using reliable scientific sources and articles. The data resources we searched include PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, EMBASE, and ScienceDirect. We also explored websites and guidelines from AORN, AST, and UpToDate. Then, the draft of our checklist was sent to 10 faculty members for review. Their feedback was considered, and after making the necessary changes and obtaining approval, the final version was prepared. To ensure reliability, two nurses completed the checklist simultaneously for 10 patients. The inter-observer reliability was calculated to be 0.89. Results: The checklist included three sections: the admission performance, the operating room performance, and the recovery performance, which is specific to the scrub and circulating and anesthetic nurses. This checklist comprised 101 items and was divided into four sections, including care measures during admission, before, during, and after laparoscopic bariatric surgery. The checklist items were answered by the researcher as "yes" (score 1) or "no" (score 0). Conclusion and Discussion: The study emphasized the importance of standardized protocols and guidelines for healthcare professionals to ensure consistent and optimal care. Therefore, it is essential to utilize the checklists developed in this study as a performance guide for personnel, aimed at improving their skills and enhancing the quality of care provided during laparoscopic bariatric surgery. Understanding the level of adherence to care standards may lead to better recommendations and guidelines, ultimately increasing the success rate of laparoscopic bariatric surgeries while reducing complications and adverse effects. This, in turn, will enhance patient satisfaction.