Volume 28 - Supplementary                   IBJ 2024, 28 - Supplementary: 98-98 | Back to browse issues page

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Moradi G. Importance and Barriers of Using Electronic Medical Records. IBJ 2024; 28 :98-98
URL: http://ibj.pasteur.ac.ir/article-1-4489-en.html
Introduction: The application of data and communication technology is an essential key factor in the progression of all organizations, such as health system organizations. The electronic medical records (EMRs) system is a transformative system that simplifies the treatment process by increasing personnel productivity and efficiency. Considering the importance of this system as a basic factor in the health system, this research has addressed its role.
Search Strategy: This narrative review study was conducted using Scholar Google and SID databases, using the Persian keywords electronic records and EMRs and the English words EMR, electronic health record, and health information technology. A total of 300 articles were found. After reviewing and removing duplicate items, 16 accepted articles were studied at different times.
Results: Following evaluation, it became clear that implementing an EMR system in clinical practice is a daunting task that requires suitable planning, strong management, clinical leadership, and staff support. The most important advantages of this system are the accurate list of drugs, legible prescriptions, available charts, lower cost of prescriptions, reduction of medical errors, and improvement of patient care quality. EMRs also reduced the workload of healthcare workers, as less time was spent retrieving paper records. Many factors have caused the low adoption of such systems despite the positive effects of their usage in medical practices. Age, gender, and previous computer experience did not affect the frequency of EMR use. However, lack of EMR training and management support were found among the factors that negatively affected EMR uptake by healthcare workers. Level of education also significantly affected EMR usage. It was also found that even in resource-rich countries, the development of EMR systems is still uncertain and challenging, and there is a need to match needs with technologies and resources. Experience of these systems in developing countries and the matching of needs with technologies are not high, hence, another reason for the lack of widespread use of systems can be considered the lack of technologies, necessary facilities and sufficient resources.
Conclusion and Discussion: The findings of the present study showed that using EMRs in the health system is very important and has many benefits. Promising ideas are not enough to implement, and much effort must be put into employing experts with sufficient knowledge in this field.

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