Volume 26, Issue 6 (11-2022)                   IBJ 2022, 26(6): 440-453 | Back to browse issues page

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Ardalan Khales S, Aarabi A, Abbaszadegan M R, Forghanifard M M. INPP5A/HLA-G1/IL-10/MMP-21 Axis in Progression of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. IBJ 2022; 26 (6) :440-453
URL: http://ibj.pasteur.ac.ir/article-1-4446-en.html
Background: INPP5A is involved in different cellular events, including cell proliferation. Since INPP5A, HLAG1, IL-10, and MMP-21 genes play fundamental roles in ESCC tumorigenesis, we aimed in this study to clarify the possible interplay of these genes and explore the potential of these chemistries as a predictor marker for diagnosis in ESCC disease.
Methods: Gene expression analysis of INPP5A, HLAG-1, IL-10, and MMP-21 was performed using relative comparative real-time PCR in 56 ESCCs compared to their margin normal tissues. Immunohistochemical staining was accomplished for INPP5A in ESCCs. Analysis of ROC curves and the AUC were applied to evaluate the diagnostic capability of the candidate genes.
Results: High levels of HLA-G1, MMP-21, and IL-10 were detected in nearly 23.2%, 62.5%, and 53.5% of ESCCs compared to the normal tissues, respectively, whereas INPP5A underexpression was detected in 19.6% of ESCCs, which all tested genes indicated significant correlations with each other. The protein expression level of INPP5A in ESCC tissues was significantly lower than that of the non-tumor esophageal tissues (p = 0.001). Interestingly, the concomitant expression of the INPP5A/HLA-G1, INPP5A/MMP-21, INPP5A/IL-10, HLA-G1/MMP-21, HLA-G1/IL-10, and MMP-21/IL-10 was significantly correlated with several clinicopathological variables. INPP5A, HLA-G1, MMP-21, and IL-10 showed to be the most appropriate candidates to discriminate tumor/non-tumor groups due to the total AUCs of all combinations (>60%).
Conclusion: Our results represent a new regulatory axis containing INPP5A/HLAG-1/IL-10/MMP-21 markers in ESCC development and may provide novel insight into the mechanism of immune evasion mediated by the INPP5A/HLAG-1/IL-10/MMP-21 regulatory network in the disease.
Type of Study: Full Length/Original Article | Subject: Cancer Biology

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