Volume 28 - Supplementary                   IBJ 2024, 28 - Supplementary: 8-8 | Back to browse issues page

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Khodakhah R, Malakoutikhah M. Effect of Occupational Stress and Work-Family Conflict on Unsafe Behavior in the Employees of Zob Ahan Isfahan Company. IBJ 2024; 28 :8-8
URL: http://ibj.pasteur.ac.ir/article-1-4378-en.html
Introduction: Occupational accidents are unexpected and unplanned events that occur due to factors such as unsafe practices and unsafe conditions, causing employees to suffer minor injuries or even death. Today, industries in Iran are considered susceptible centers regarding work-related accidents. Due to the nature of the job and its difficulties, steel industries are exposed to a wide range of occupational accidents. Studies have focused on the importance of several factors related to the incidence of occupational accidents. The present study investigated the effect of job stress and work-family conflict on unsafe behavior among Zob Ahan Isfahan Company employees.
Methods and Materials: This research was a descriptive-analytical study conducted among 270 employees of Zob Ahan Isfahan Company (Isfahan, Iran) in 2021, based on the rate and severity of accidents in the steel sector, using stratified sampling. Data were collected using the Health and safety executive occupational stress questionnaire, Carlson and Kacmar's work-family conflict questionnaire, and the unsafe behavior sampling method. SPSS 22.0 software was used for data analysis.
Results: The participants' mean age and work experience were 35.04 and 11.51 years, respectively. The mean final score of the work-family conflict questionnaire was 50.75, and the mean occupational stress score was 2.65. The prevalence of unsafe behavior was 52.01%. Analysis of the results showed a significant relationship between job stress and hazardous behavior, as well as between work-family conflict and dangerous behavior (p < 0.001).
Conclusion and Discussion:
The findings of this study showed that occupational stress, including factors related to management, such as support from officials and colleagues, plays a role in the occurrence of unsafe behavior. It can be concluded that the support from authorities and management, along with the reduction of social stress such as work-family conflict, not only contributes to improving individuals' health but also helps control accidents and unsafe behavior.

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