Volume 25, Issue 6 (11-2021)                   IBJ 2021, 25(6): 408-416 | Back to browse issues page

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Aboudzadeh N, Khavandi A, Javadpour J, Shokrgozar M A, Imani M. Effect of Dioxane and N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone as a Solvent on Biocompatibility and Degradation Performance of PLGA/nHA Scaffolds. IBJ 2021; 25 (6) :408-416
URL: http://ibj.pasteur.ac.ir/article-1-3318-en.html
Background: Solvent casting/particulate leaching is one of the most conventional methods for fabricating polymer/ceramic composite scaffolds. In this method, the solvent generally affects resulting scaffold properties, including porosity and degradation rate. Methods: Herein, composite scaffolds of PLGA (poly(lactide-co-glycolide))/ nano-hydroxyapatite (nHA) with different percentages of nHA (25, 35, and 45 wt. %) were prepared by the solvent casting/particle leaching combined with freeze drying. The effects of two different solvents, 1,4-dioxane (DIO) and N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP), on morphology, porosity, bioactivity, degradation rate, and biocompatibility of the resulting scaffolds were investigated. Results: The results revealed that increasing the nano-hydroxyapatite (nHA) percentages had no significant effect on the porosity and interconectivity of scaffolds (p > 0.05), whereas altering the solvent from DIO into NMP decreased the porosity from about 87% into 71%, respectively. Moreover, scaffolds of DIO illustrated the high results of cell proliferation compared to those of NMP; the cell viability of GD25 decreased from 85% to 65% for GN25. The findings also indicated that scaffolds prepared by NMP had a higher rate of losing weight in comparison to DIO. Adding nHA to PLGA had a significant effect on the bioactivity of scaffolds (p < 0.05), composite scaffolds with 45 wt % nHA had at least 30% more weight gain compared to the neat polymer scaffolds. Conclusion: The DIO scaffolds have higher rates of porosity, interconnectivity, bioactivity, and biocompatibility than NMP scaffolds due to its high evaporation rate.

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