Volume 25, Issue 4 (7-2021)                   IBJ 2021, 25(4): 226-242 | Back to browse issues page

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Zandi F, Goshadrou F, Meyfour A, Vaziri B. Rabies Infection: An Overview of Lyssavirus-Host Protein Interactions. IBJ 2021; 25 (4) :226-242
URL: http://ibj.pasteur.ac.ir/article-1-3308-en.html
Viruses are obligatory intracellular parasites that use cell proteins to take the control of the cell functions in order to accomplish their life cycle. Studying the viral-host interactions would increase our knowledge of the viral biology and mechanisms of pathogenesis. Studies on pathogenesis mechanisms of lyssaviruses, which are the causative agents of rabies, have revealed some important host protein partners for viral proteins, especially for most studied species, i.e. Rabies virus. In this review article, the key physical lyssavirus-host protein interactions, their contributions to rabies infection, and their exploitation are discussed to improve the knowledge about rabies pathogenesis.
Type of Study: Review Article | Subject: Related Fields

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