Volume 27, Issue 2 And 3 (3-2023)                   IBJ 2023, 27(2 And 3): 100-107 | Back to browse issues page

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Akrami H, Shamsdin S A, Nikmanesh Y, Fattahi M R. Effect of Mir-4270 Inhibitor and Mimic on Viability and Stemness in Gastric Cancer Stem-Like Cells Derived from MKN-45 Cell Line. IBJ 2023; 27 (2 and 3) :100-107
URL: http://ibj.pasteur.ac.ir/article-1-3851-en.html
Background: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are significant regulatory factors in stem cell proliferation, and change in miRNA expression influences the cancer stem cell viability and gene expression. Herein, we evaluated the effect of the hsa-miR-4270 inhibitor and its mimic on the expression of stem cell markers in gastric cancer (GC) stem-like cells.
Methods: GC stem-like cells were isolated from the MKN-45 cell line by a non-adherent surface system. The cells were confirmed by differentiation assays using dexamethasone and insulin as adipogenesis-inducing agents and also staurosporine as a neural-inducing agent. Isolated GC stem-like cells were treated with different concentrations (0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, and 60 nM) of hsa-miR-4270 inhibitor and its mimic. The quantity of cell viability was determined by trypan blue method. Transcription of the stem cell marker genes, including CD44, OCT3/4, SOX2, Nanog, and KLF4, was evaluated by real-time RT-PCR.
Results: The results showed that GC stem-like cells were differentiated into both adipose cells using dexamethasone and insulin and neural cells by Staurosporine. Treatment of GC stem-like cells with hsa-miR-4270 inhibitor decreased cell viability and downregulated OCT3/4, CD44, and Nanog to 86%, 79%, and 91% respectively. Also, SOX2 and KLF4 were overexpressed to 8.1- and 1.94-folds, respectively. However, hsa-miR-4270 mimic had opposite effects on the cell viability and gene expression of the stem cell markers.
Conclusion: The effect of hsa-miR-4270 inhibitor and its mimic on the expression of the stem cell markers in GCSCs indicated that hsa-miR-4270 stimulates the stemness property of GCSCs, likely through stimulating the development of gastric stem cells.
Type of Study: Full Length/Original Article | Subject: Cancer Biology

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